Performing on the stage, informed hundreds, even thousands of people, are bound to make any nervous. Sweats rolling out from places you never knew was possible. The anxiety on top of that is the real culprit for many. Now imagine yourself in the shoes of a contestant auditioning for “Britain’s Got Talent.”
Similar was the case of Gruffydd Wyn, a 22-year old Welsh resident. From the start, Gruffydd looked more than nervous. The jitters were getting the best of the man. Simon Cowell, one of the judges on the show, recognized its issue. He turned down the music, advise the singer to shake off the feeling. Man with more significant potential and experience quickly falls prey to angst.
Gruffydd took a deep breath and drank water to calm his nerves down after the pep talk with Simon. The judge clearly recognized the contender’s skill. Soon after the music went up again, Gruffydd could touch the excelling heights from his voice. His overall performance left the audience in tears and wanting more. Indeed, Simon knew what he was talking about. This moment by far is one of the best judgment skills on the show.